Bonjour, I'm Luc Chaissac, Designer. Please welcome to my Internets™ web page.

Currently building @Dock, Producer @Uxum, and before that
Brand Designer @Lattice, CEO @Muxu.Muxu and few other things.

I've spent the past → 17+ years working across different areas of Design. From print ads, email design, product design, gradient collection, all forms of illustration, marketing programs, weird GIFs, even run a small studio of 15 humans to my current role designing product and brand experiences.

I occasionally take on freelance opportunities. If you're looking for a designer to help you discover ideas, explore concepts, establish purpose to accelerate growth → Let's discuss!

Typeface Uxum — Merci Internets™

WE.235 Dock WE.456 Lattice WE.499 Muxu.Muxu
CU.364 Figma CU.387 Vanta CU.687 Alt Capital
CU.235 Webflow KC.235 Brand New KC.864 US Patent
KC.135 WSJ KC.033 CIB
WE. 235 Dock
456 Lattice
499 Muxu.Muxu
CU. 364 Figma
387 Vanta
687 Alt Capital
235 Webflow
KC. 235 BrandNew
864 US Patent
135 WSJ Best Seller
033 La Compagnie Des Internets™ Bordelaise